Profile and History


The work at the Institute of Automatic Control is dedicated to the development of modern methods of control engineering and their application in various fields, particularly in medical technology, systems medicine and robotics. Optimization-based control and estimation methods, nonlinear systems and control theory, as well as distributed and learning control systems are of particular interest.

In the area of teaching, the IRT offers basic and advanced courses in the field of control engineering for various courses of study in the Faculties of Electrical Engineering and Computer Science as well as Mechanical Engineering. In addition to the fundamentals of control engineering in the bachelor's programme, these include various special lectures, both theoretical and application-oriented, which are aimed at master's students.


2019Prof. Müller is new Director of the institute
2018Prof. Haddadin leaves Hannover, new provisional Director: Prof. Wagner
2014Prof. Haddadin is new Director of the institute
2011Prof. Albert takes over a temporary professorship and is provisional Director until 2013
2009Prof. Gerth retires but is still provisional Director
1997Prof. Thoma retires, Prof. Gerth is new Director
1978Prof. Gerth accedes a second professorship at IRT
1977 Prof. Schwarz leaves Hannover
1967Prof. Thoma is new Director of the institute
1966Prof. Schwarz gets Professor
1966Prof. Schlitt leaves Hannover, new provisional Director: Prof. Tischner
1963Official constitution of IRT on June 20th
1962Prof. Schlitt takes over the new Chair for Automatic Control